Ex 14 Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs.

(A) 1. I always find it difficult to make myself agree — something that is — my principles. 2. If he has made — his mind, you can be sure he will have things his own way. 3. They noticed — once — some surprise that the move — East London — West London was more than just a change — address. It was like moving — another world. 4. There is nothing the matter — me today, nothing — all, I've a bit — a headache, that's all. 5. She had meant to talk things — — him, but as time went — she felt less sure she could do it. 6. The farm is a long way — and he has promised to take me there — his car one — these days. 7. What I found — — him was the biggest surprise I'd ever had — my whole life. 8.1 am not quite sure whether you are — or — our plan. 9. Here you are — last! We've lost all hope of seeing you. 10. I wonder what has suddenly come — your head to make you change your mind like that. 11. It was difficult to say what was — his mind and what he would do next. 12. You must choose — a trip — the South and a sea cruise, you can't have both. 13. Why are you so upset — his refusal to come — the party? 14. — my mind that's not the main idea — the book. 15. I never meant to join them — their argument until I felt it was becoming too heated. 16. You will be surprised — the great progress he has made lately! 17. You, as head — the expedition, must always keep your head even if the rest — the men are losing theirs. 18. I never heard him say a single word — the arrangement. He likes it, I suppose.

sakinaxalilova2 sakinaxalilova2    1   25.02.2020 08:23    46

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