Ex.1. Write the sentences in Passive voice using the Present
Simple Tense
1. The documents / print by the secretary
2.The door / close by the cleaner
3. The trainers / buy by sportspeople
4.The bike / mend in the garage
5. The letters / deliver by the postman
6. Newspaper / read by many people
7. Milk / drink by her cat every evening
8.Bags / sell in these shops
9. E-mails / write by managers every day
10. Our grandparents / visit by me every

пир14 пир14    1   04.01.2021 15:52    28

rezistol228 rezistol228  12.02.2021 22:10

Passive voice using the Present

Simple Tense

1. The documents are printed by the secretary

2.The door is closed by the cleaner

3. The trainers are bought by sportspeople

4.The bike is mended in the garage

5. The letters are delivered by the postman

6. Newspaper is read by many people

7. Milk is drunk by her cat every evening

8.Bags are sold in these shops

9. E-mails are written by managers every day

10. Our grandparents are visited by me every


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