Ex.1 report the dialogue. 1.where are you from? - i'm from manchester. 2.have you got any brothers or sisters? - i have one sister. 3.what kind of music do you like? - i love pop music. 4.can you play basketball.? - i'm very good at it. 5.do you like our school? - it's great everyone is friendly. first i asked liam where he was from and he said sophie asked him and he sam asked and he dave asked liam and he answered finally, laura asked and liam ex.2 report the questions. who is your best friend? jilly asked who my best friend was. what time do you get up in the morning? she wanted to know is your school far? theb she asked do you like going to the cinema? she asked have you got a tv in your room? jilly wabted to know are you tired? the she asked can you speak spanish? she also asked how much pocket money do you get? finally jilly wanted to

Онелик Онелик    2   15.09.2019 08:00    0

klara90 klara90  07.10.2020 16:35
Ex 1
 ..him  where he  was  (is) from and  he  answered  htat  he  was  {is} from  Man...
whether he had ( has )  any  siblings and  he  answered  that  he had (has) ne  sister.
..what  kind  of  music  he  liked (likes) and  Liam  answered  that  he liked (likes) pop-...

Ex 2
She  wanted  to know  what  time  I got  up  in  the m...
Then  she  asked if  the  school  was(is) far.
She ... if  I liked going  to  the c...
..wanted  to know  if  I had  (have)  a TV...
Then  she  asked if  I was  tired.
She also  asked  if  I  spoke  (speak)  Spanish
...wanted  tj know  how  much pocet  money  I had

В  современном  английском  (официальном) допускается  использование настоящего  времени  во  второй  части  предложений  с  "репортед  спич",  если эти  высказывания -  абсолютная  правда  и  на  момент  разговора и  на  момент  написания  предложений. 

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