Ex/1 Put in can, may, must, need, should, have to, be to. 1. Jack has a headache. He … not sleep well. 2. I don’t want to be late for the meeting. We … meet at 5 sharp. 3. Where are my gloves? — I … put them on because it’s cold today. 4. You … not take an umbrella today. The Sun is shining. 5. Well, it’s 10 o’clock. I … go now. 6. You … smoke so much. 7. We have a lot of time. We … not hurry. 8. You … finish the article as soon as possible. 9. The fridge is full, so we … go shopping. 10. Ann … finish school next year. 11. I … not watch this film. It’s too boring. 12. You look very pale, I think you … stay at home.

zenafedorinova zenafedorinova    3   19.06.2020 13:22    3

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