Ex 1. Open the brackets. Use the correct verb form (Past Simple, Past Progressive, Past Perfect) 1. I
(work) from home yesterday
2. When I
(see) Lisa and Tory, they
(talk) about something emotionally.
3. When I called Jerry, he
(already, go out)
4. When I arrived at the cinema, the movie (begin).
5. He
(finish) his work by 4 o'clock.
6. When she came back home her son
(wash) the dishes.
7. They
(not/go) shopping last weekend.
Ex 2. Open the brackets. Use the correct verb form (Present Simple, Future Simple).
1. If Frank's parents
(have) their holidays in summer, they
(go) to the
2. IFI
(meet) Ann after school, I
(give) her my album.
3. If
(see) John,
(tell) him your news.
4. If she
(drink) this medicine, she
(feel) much better.
5. If the weather (be) bad tomorrow, 1
(not/go) to the country.
Ex 3. Letter
What are you good at? What are your achievements? What are your ambitions? Write a letter to your
friend. (100-120 words) Ask him/her 2 questions. (npu Hanucahon nucbMa Cobogante nas na
opopMZEHNA (AB Lesson 1)

kira757 kira757    3   01.11.2020 22:09    0

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