Ex. 1 open the brackets & put the verbs into present progressive.. 1) she (to read) magazines. 2) he (to work) hard at his french. 3) mr. white (not to give) a lecture. 4) he (to write) a letter to his brother. 5) i (to prepare) for the test. 6) they (to work) at this factory. 7) she (to sit) in an arm-chare and (to watch) tv. 8) i (to have) supper with my friends. 9) her brother (not to go) to school. 10) he (to stand) at the table.11) what you (to do)? ex. 2 поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы. 1. my sister is playing the piano now. 2. the teacher is explaining the rule. 3. we are learning the new words. 4. ann is standing at the window. 5. we are going to the park.. 6. john is taking a piece of chalk and writing a sentence on the blackboard. 7. i am doing my homework. 8. jane is speaking on the telephone. 9. she is cooking supper.

диана2376 диана2376    2   03.10.2019 16:30    4

mrfreeman26p0aanr mrfreeman26p0aanr  21.08.2020 21:17
She go to read magazines
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