Ex.1 fill in the passive in the appropriate tense: 1. (tv / invent / baird) 2. (pyramids / produce / egyptians) 3. (milk / prodece / cows) 4. (coffee / grow / in brazil) 5. (chopsticks / use / in china) 6. (plants / water / every day) заранее !

Semen123486 Semen123486    3   29.07.2019 14:20    4

zaaz123 zaaz123  03.10.2020 16:41
1. (TV / invent / Baird) 
   TV was invented by Baird.

2. (Pyramids / build / Egyptians)
    Pyramids were built by Egyptians.

3. (milk / produce / cows)
    Milk is produced by cows.

4. (coffee / grow / in Brazil) 
    Coffee is grown in Brazil.

5. (chopsticks / use / in China)
    Chopsticks are used in China.

6. (plants / water / everyday)
    Plants are watered everyday.
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