Everyday english
9 circle the correct response
1 a lle can help you?
no, you can't do that
2 a. and what would you ke to
ba i'm not very hungry.
i'd like a cola, please.
3 a someone stole my bag
ba i don't believe you
oh, you poor thing! i'm so
4 a went on a day trip to a
wildlife park
b: a oh, really? i'd really like to
go there too
6 that's not very exciting.
5 a would you mind helping me
8: a of course i would
b no problem
6 a see you at 9 tomorrow
8. a i'm free this moming,
b great
7 a. can i give you a hand?
8. actually, i've nearly finished
b sure i can
8 a: did you have a nice weekend?
ba oh. i didn't do anything
b they had a nice time
i think that's all, thank you.
b: a you're welcome.
b just one more thing.
a would you like any side orders?
b. a i'd like a glass of orange
juice, please
b not for me, thank you.​

Грызина Грызина    3   05.09.2019 19:18    1

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