Every house is a home to people - and insects. Here are some of the creepy crawlies in the rooms with you! There's a nice smell coming from Time for a bath? The bathroom is your kitchen. Dinner is ready. Take a empty, isn't it? No, it isn't. Above the look at the kitchen floor. Are there bath is a spider on its web. It has a small pieces of food on it? These are great view of everything from that great meals for ants. What's behind corner of the room. the fridge and the cooker? Small That smell of wood in the living cockroaches in their hiding place. room is great. There are tables, chairs Are you tired? Your bed is the and a bookcase. There are also best place to relax - together with woodworms, and that's not good. those small black bedbugs! They are Your home is your castle. Keep it tired too. These aren't the only bugs clean and tidy. Bugs don't live in in your bedroom. There are moths in clean places. the wardrobe between your new T- 5 shirt and your favourite jeans. сделать 2 отрицательных предложения, и 2 повелительным предложения