Это ! такое: fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.(заполните пропуски в правильной форме глаголов). не могли бы вы ,написав как будет правильно.и расписать почему у вас так получилось. 1.most metals rust when they ) wet. 2.if l had time.) a game of football. 3.lf you train hard,) on the team. 4.lf l were rich,) my favourite team play all over the world. 5.lf ) harder,we would have won the game. 6.) to ice when you freeze it. 7.lf you had told me you needed help,) it to you. 8.lf l knew how to swim,)confident in the water. 9.lf they score a goal,) surprised. 10.lf we ) about the math earlier,we could have bought tickets.

xachik1998 xachik1998    2   24.09.2019 23:40    5

Your0ppa Your0ppa  11.08.2020 02:02
1 get (становиться)2 would play (поиграл бы)3 will get (преуспеешь)4 would watch (наблюдал бы)5 trained (тренировались)6 turns (превращается)7 would have given (оказал бы)8 would feel (чувствовал бы)9 will be (буду)10 had known (узнали)
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