Эссе про бездомных животных должно быть 4 абзаца: вступление,плюсы и минусы,итог

Teddy62711 Teddy62711    3   25.09.2019 01:30    2

mila320 mila320  08.10.2020 17:06
Today I want to talk to you about homeless animals. I think many people sincerely feel sorry for them, but far from all I can take home such an animal
the advantages of homeless animals: they are free, they are not castrated. they can walk where they want
The downside is that people tend to be bad about such animals. from illnesses they die before domestic animals ...
it is best to help homeless animals, to feed them. or even take it home. But do not throw animals out on the street and do not mock the homeless.
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