Эссе на тему "why don't the children read? " на языке. заранее большое

Данил268905 Данил268905    1   17.07.2019 08:40    2

Anonim4ka Anonim4ka  21.09.2020 16:46
Once we were taught their children to use a spoon, potty, brush your teeth. And find this time and strength, and patience. To accustom the baby to the book also follows from an early age. Bright beautiful book should occupy its most honorable place among his toys. But the problem remains: the children do not read. We can assume that the perpetrators of such a situation become a TV and the computer, and parents often work 20 hours a day, and they have no time to deal with children. Little man by holding the right of presenting him the book parents will understand that reading from a computer screen and reading a book, perceived in his hands - quite different concepts. He would touch her, flipping through the pages and enjoy this touch.