Эссе на тему польза и вред компьютера.

nsmotrova nsmotrova    3   21.06.2019 06:40    0

alanada1 alanada1  02.10.2020 07:13

How does a computer influences our life? It's very useful to us, and we use it in many situations, for example to find some information, to chat with friends, to send a letter, to buy something, to watch a film and so on. Computers help us to deal with many problems, and they make our life easier. Nowadays there are very different popular social networks where communication with your friends and relatives is not difficult. On the other hand I think that the Internet  becomes a way of a person's life and it is very harmful for their health. Many teenagers spend much time sitting at the  computers and spoiling their eyes. I don't mean that I am against the Internet, but its usage should have  reasonable limits.

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