Если меня спросят чья профессия самая сложная - учитель. не легко сосчитать сколько рыб в океане, сколько звезд на небе и понять по каким законам рыбы и звезды живут. но нет трудных законов, по которым вырастает человек. если меня спросят чья профессия самая важная, я отвечу - учителя. мсчезнет она вдруг, представьте на миг и никто из нас ни инженер, ни рабочий, ни поэт не станет тем, к ем он стал. я попросил художника нарисовать учителя. один художник нарисовал мужчину с указкой у доски. другой - женщину, возле глобуса. мне невидно, что это учитель. - сказал я. это может быть преподаватель или . а настоящий учитель - это человек, который делает нас добрее и умнее. и тогда третий художник нарисовал маленького и большого человека, идущих на встречу солнца, державшихся за руки. он прав, подумал я. он наверно и есть настоящий учитель. их наверное двое. потому что в великий час ученичества, мы всегда остаемся наедине со своим учителем. о чем говорят эти двое: о звездах, о дажде, о солнце? не знаю, только уверен, что им радостно вдвоем, интересно и ни что их не страшит. если меня спросят кто самый счастливый человек на земле, я отвечу - хороший учитель.

Boikamen Boikamen    1   22.05.2019 11:50    1

Neznaika123shsgwheh Neznaika123shsgwheh  17.06.2020 21:16

if you ask me whose profession is the hardest - the teacher. not easy to count how many fish in the ocean, there are stars in the sky and see what kind of laws and star fish live. but there is no hard laws by which a person grows up. if you ask me whose profession is the most important, I tell you - the teacher. mscheznet she suddenly, imagine for a moment and neither of us nor engineer, nor work, nor the poet will not be so, for it was he. I asked the artist to draw a teacher. One artist painted a man with pointer at blackboard. the other - the woman near the globe. not visible to me, it's the teacher. - I said. it can be a teacher of mathematics or geography. a real teacher - a person who makes us kinder and more intelligent.
and then the third artist painted the small and big men going to meet the sun, holding hands.
He's right, I thought. it probably is the real teacher. probably two of them. because in the great hour of discipleship, we always remain alone with his teacher.
What do these two: about stars, grant me about the sun?
I do not know, but sure they happily together, and no wonder that they are not afraid.
if they ask me who is the happiest person on earth, I tell you - a good teacher.

люда12345678990 люда12345678990  17.06.2020 21:16

if i'm asked whose profession is the hardest-teacher.It's not easy to count how much fishes are in ocean,how much stars in the sky, and by which law fishes and stars live ,but there are no hard laws , human grows by. If i'm asked whose profession is the most important,i'll answer-teacher's.Just imagine for a second that she disapears and no one of us is not a worker , nor engineer anymore, not even a poet will become ,who he became.I asked an artist to paint  the teacher ,one artist painted a man with a pointer at the blackboard,the other - the woman near the globe. I can't see ,that it's a teacher - I said.This may be a teacher of geography or math,but for me the real teacher-is the one that makes you more kind and smart.

And then the third painter drew a big and a small man ,going to meet the sun and holding hands.


 He's right,i thought.He seems to be like a real teacher, may be they are two of them.Because in a great hour of apprenticeship ,we are always alone with our teacher.

what are these two talking about:stars,rain,sun?

I don't know, i'm just sure that they are happy together,they are interested and nothing scaries them .

If i'm asked ,who's the happiest person on Earth,i'll answer-a good teacher 







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