a very slow b very slowly c very slower

2 She plays tennis

a quite well b quite good c quite goodly

3 My husband works

a incredibly hard b incredible hard c incredibly hardly

4 I’d like a Ferrari.

a drive b to drive c driving

5 What do we need next?

a to do b do c doing

6 She wants to pass her exams, but she doesn’t like

a study b studing c studying

7 usually drive fast in the country.

a The men b Men c The man

8 I saw ___ good film last night.

a the b a c –

9 It’s best place to eat in the city centre.

a the b a c –

10 Do you go to bed late at weekends?

a the b a c –

11 I’ve read the book, but I the film.

a don’t see b haven’t saw c haven’t seen

12 A: Have you anyone famous?

B: Yes, I have. A famous film actor.

a ever met b ever meet c met ever

13 he been to New York?

a Has b Did c Have

14 We ___ to Italy last year.

a have gone b have been c went

15 She in a restaurant before.

a did never worked b has never worked c have never worked​

Аняняняняняняняяня Аняняняняняняняяня    1   13.11.2020 09:46    19

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