ENGLISH 9-класс No 1. Choose the proper answer. A country is quieter ... a city. а) to б) than No 2. Choose the appropriate pronoun. Everyone is responsible for ... own composition. а) their б) all their No 3. Choose the proper answer. Eric Wiess thought that his own name didn’t sound like the name of a famous magician, ... he changed it to Harry Houdini. а) so б) besides No 4. Choose the appropriate modal verb. I didn’t want to go there but I ... . а) had to б) shall No 5. Choose the proper form of the verb: I ... in Paris when I was 8. а) live б) lived в) must г) might г) lives г) went в) living Ann’s hair looks nice. She’s just ... to the hairdresser’s. No 6. Choose the proper form of the verb: а) been б) being в) gone No 7. Complete the following sentence. How long ... a driving license? а) have you had б) did you have в) had you had No 8. Choose the word the meaning of which is the opposite of the given one. а) quick б) slow в) long No 9. Complete the sentence. The bird`s cage wasn`t closed properly and ... . а) it became wet. б) it was kept in the garden. в) it flew out. г) it was caught in the air. No 10. Choose the correct passive construction. The classrooms ... cleaned by the pupils themselves. а) will б) are в) is г) was г) have Short г) kind

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