Emily henson has written a letter to one of the children's newspapers.her letter is about her mothers profession,which emily thinks to be very interesting.she wants to be an accountant,too. what do you think about all of this? write a letter to the newspaper. написать рассказ. (50 слов)

ArinaStar337 ArinaStar337    2   25.09.2019 15:50    1

ksusha256 ksusha256  08.10.2020 18:46
Hello everyone!My name is Emily Henson and I'd like to tell you why to be an accountant is good. My mother had been working an accountant for 5 years and now she is a financial analyst. How? She moved up the career ladder. This work brings a happiness to my mom because she admires with numbers and her high salary.)Everybody thinks that to be an accountant is boring and all accountants are dull, but it isn't true if you like maths and I can't say that all accountants are dull because my mom is a people person (душа компании, если шо) and to my mind knows more jokes than Petrosyan. Well, now, you know that to be an accountant isn't bad and I want to choose this profession too because I think that accountants are the best. 
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