elieufnnc, utlgnsih, onegueehsr, galeifr, ocduerp, aumnh.

II. Say in one word:

1. A building that is used for growing different vegetables.

2. Gas we breathe in.

3. Gas we breathe out.

4. To destroy something badly.

5. Easily breakable, e.g. glass, flowers.

III. Insert the appropriate word:

1. Odessa is situated on the ... of the Black Sea.

2. We can grow vegetables in a ... in winter.

3. The greenhouse effect has a strong ... on the climate.

4. There was an unusual ... in the summers of 2010 and


5. ... race have learnt to use fire many thousands of years


6. Climatic changes can be ... for people

tkurchanova tkurchanova    3   24.10.2020 18:17    0

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