E. Вставьте глагол to be или to have (got) в Present, Past или Future. 1. I … a headache. 2. I … there last weekend. 3. … you … a teacher in some years? 4. … any … children? 5. … she … at work tomorrow? 6. We … pupils last year, now we … students. 7. I … a shower this morning. 8. „Where … your brother?‟ „He is in the room

Никита20220 Никита20220    2   17.01.2021 18:17    1

sofialolollollo sofialolollollo  16.02.2021 18:19

E. Вставьте глагол to be или to have (got) в Present, Past или Future.

1. I have got a headache.

2. I was there last weekend.

3. Will you be a teacher in some years?

4. Have you got any children?

5. Will she be at work tomorrow?

6. We were pupils last year, now we are students.

7. I had a shower this morning.

8. „Where is your brother?‟ „He is in the room

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