E. Use the following words to co circumstances
Works of art by famous artists are valuable. Over time, some of these works
from (2)
disappear. Some were (1)
art thieves. Some were purchased by art (3)
who perhaps
stored them in a (4)
spot but then suddenly died. Under the
the art was never found. Occasionally we hear about a
lost painting that has been found. This happened with a famous painting by
Leonardo da Vinci. It was recently found hanging in a dark corner of a school in
Ireland. The school thought it was a copy. Art experts were called to decide the
of whether the painting was real. Art experts usually have
to (7)
many hours to learn if a painting is real or a copy. They
have to find evidence that will help them decide. Their (8)
step is to (9)
dirt from the painting. Then they look for
evidence of the painting's age. They analyze the paint to see if it has modem
chemicals that were not available 500 years ago. Sometimes the experts find
that proves a painting is not a copy. This happened with
the da Vinci painting. Experts found fingerprints in the paint. The fingerprints
matched fingerprints found in other da Vinci paintings. Then they knew the
painting was real.

MDasha45 MDasha45    2   25.06.2021 07:37    0

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