Друзья. перевести текст плз)) мальчик и папа работали в саду. мальчику захотелось искупаться, и он пошел на озеро. как только он зашел в воду он увидел крокодила. крикнул отцу: ", крокодил! ", но отец подумал что это шутка и позвал его работать. мальчик не растерялся и ударил крокодила по носу. крокодил уплыл. заранее, ! : )

Alecsa20033 Alecsa20033    1   11.06.2019 02:10    2

Mashalove16 Mashalove16  02.10.2020 00:03
The boy and his father were working in the garden. So, the boy wanted to go to swim and went to the lake. As he started swimming, he saw the crocodile. He cried his father: "Help, crocodile!", but his father thought that it was a joke ann call the boy to work. But the boy didn't lose his courage and bit the crocodile by his nose. And crocodile swam away.
SofiyaSofiaro SofiyaSofiaro  02.10.2020 00:03
Boy and dad worked in the garden. The boy wanted to swim, and he went to the lake. As soon as he went into the water, he saw a crocodile. Cried my father, "Help, crocodile," but my father thought it was a joke and called for it to work. The boy kept his head and hit the crocodile on the nose. The crocodile swam away.
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