Дорогие наши ,нужна ваша : complete the sentences using the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. then translate the sentences into russian. 1. he ( forget ) his french since he ( leave ) paris. 2. years ago he ( be ) very poor, and (not know) how to live. he ( become ) very rich now. 3. i can reach my work easily now, as i (buy ) a new car. 4. you ( telephone ) for ages ! you really ( not finish ) ? - i ( not get )through yet. i am trying to get to our paris office but the line ( be ) engaged all morning. 5 .he (play ) the piano since six o clock in the morning. he only just ( stop ). 6 .the police ( not find ) the burglar yet. they ( look ) for him since saturday. 7. my mother asked who ( break ) her typewriter.. look! somebody ( break ) my typewriter. 8.he looked at the girl and understood he ( see ) her somewhere before. 9. it ( stop ) raining and the sun is shining. 10. when i ( get ) to jack s house the police (to be) there. someone ( steal ) his car.

Lero4ka222 Lero4ka222    2   04.08.2019 08:40    1

vehea78347 vehea78347  03.10.2020 21:38
1. He has forgotten his French since he left Paris.
2. Years ago he was very poor, and did not know how to live. He has become very rich now.
3. I can reach my work easily now, as I have bought a new car.
4. You have been telephoning for ages! Haven't you really finished?- I haven't got through yet. I am trying to get to our Paris office but the line has been engaged all morning.
5. He has been plaing the piano since six o clock in the morning. He has only just stopped.
6. The police have not found the burglar yet. They have been looking for him since Saturday.
7. My mother asked who had broken her typewriter.. Look! Somebody has broken my typewriter.
8. He looked at the girl and understood he had seen her somewhere before.
9. It has stopped raining and the sun is shining.
10. When I got to Jack's house the police were there. Someone had stolen his car. 1. Он забыл свой французский с тех пор, так как покинул Париж.
2. Несколько лет назад он был очень беден, и не знал, как жить. В настоящее время он стал очень богатым.
3. Я могу добраться до своей работы легко теперь, когда я купил новую машину.
4. Ты звонишь по телефону уже очень долго! Ты уже закончил? - Нет еще. Я пытаюсь дозвониться до нашего парижского офиса, но линия занята все утро.
5. Он играет на фортепиано с шести часов утра. Он только что остановился.
6. Полиция ещё не нашла грабителя. Они ищут его с субботы.
7. Моя мать спросила, кто сломал ей пишущую машинку .. Смотри! Кто-то сломал пишущую машинку.
8. Он посмотрел на девушку и понял, что он видел ее где-то раньше.
9. Дождь прекратился, и солнце светит.
10. Когда я добрался до дома, Джека полицейские были там. Кто-то украл его машину.
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