Доповнити речення, використовуючи минулий доконаний час 1. Why didn't you want to watch the film? you (see) it before?
2. Sally was sorry because she (to forget) her dad's birthday.
3. After Ivan (to spend) his holiday in Italy he wanted to learn Italian.
4. your friends (to study) German before they went abroad?
5. My parents were hungry because they (not to eat) in the morning.
6. His phone didn't work because he (not to charge) it.

Совунья11 Совунья11    2   16.12.2020 12:49    1

Lyudakostina1 Lyudakostina1  15.01.2021 12:52

1. Did you saw

2. Forgot

3. spent

4. Did your friend studied

5. didn't eat

6. didn't to charge
