***Дополните предложения словами*** Room, name, Science, class, pen, new, pencil, Tuesdays, subject, years.
1. The...case is blue.
2. Sue is 17...old.
3. Is the Art lesson in...B?
4. Anna is...to the school
5. My...is Mark.
6. What is your favorite...?
7. My PE class is on...and Wednesdays.
8. The...class is in the Room F.
9. The...is on the desk.
10. History...is on Tuesdays.

Damir6565 Damir6565    1   09.12.2021 11:25    1

ананастенька21000 ананастенька21000  28.01.2022 00:05
1. The pencil case is blue 2. Sues 17 years old 3. Is the art lesson in room B? 4. не знаю 5. My name is Mark. 6. What is your favourite subject? 8. The Science class in the room F. 9. не знаю The 10. History class is on Tuesdays.
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