Дополните предложения личными местоимениями в именительном и объектном падежах i/ me/ he/ him etc. 1 who is that woman? why are you looking at her? 2 “do you know that man? ” “yes, i work with 3 where are the tickets? i can’t find . 4 i can’t find my keys. where are . 5we’re going out. you can come with . 6 margaret likes music plays the piano. 7 i don’t like dogs. i’m afraid of . 8 i’m talking to you. please listen to . 9 where is ann? i want to talk to . 10 my brothers has a new doesn’t like much.

Физик5765 Физик5765    3   07.08.2019 13:00    3

lollerkaa lollerkaa  04.10.2020 03:01
2) him
3) them
4) they
5) us
6) she
7) them
8) me
9) her
10) he, it
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