Дополните omplete the sentences. 1. so, the air that we breathe 2. the winds carry the polluted clouds across long 3. this is called acid rain, but there is actually ‘acid fog’, ‘snow’ and ‘sleet’ 4. this is water pollution and it harms, kills or wipes out fish 5. the good news is that governments have been trying to reduce the air pollution that b) say true or false. 1. cars burn oil, factories and power stations burn smoke and emit toxic fumes. 2. this is called acid rain, but there isn’t actually ‘acid fog’, ‘snow’ and ‘sleet’ in the same way! 3. when acid rain flows through the soil, it poisons clouds. 4. some industries have been using new technologies for some time to help make factory smoke less harmful. 5. we can’t help reduce the amount of acid rain by using our cars less or by using solar power to heat our homes. c) answer the following questions. do it in the written form. 1. what ecological problems do you know? 2. what is acid rain? 3. what kind of damage does acid rain cause? 4. what are governments doing to avoid acid rain? 5. what can we do to save our planet?

дашуся4 дашуся4    2   26.08.2019 06:20    2

кот883 кот883  05.10.2020 20:30
Complete the sentences
2.Far away
3.In the same way
4.Plant species
5.Acid rain
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