Дополните диалог следующими выражениями (словами). complete the conversation with the useful language what time shall we meet (then)? yeah, why not? do you fancy -ing … ? sounds good! that’s a great idea! let’s go together. how about -ing … ? shall i (ask my dad to get us)? fran: nicky, do you fancy going to a concert tomorrow? nicky: yeah, ? who’s playing? fran: a pop rock band called the sweets. they’re a new band. i’ve got free tickets. nicky: ! where are they playing? fran: the apollo club, in market street. nicky: ok. what time then? fran: it starts at 8.30, i think. together. coming to my house at half seven? nick: ok. ask my dad to come and get us at the end? frank: yes, that’s a ! nick: ok. see you tomorrow, then.

Viktorua10 Viktorua10    2   06.10.2019 22:10    34

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