Дополнить диалог, там где три завтра (( 1)а: hi,doug. sorry ! b: what happened? i was really worried about you! 2)a: i just saw a bus crash into a telephone pole. b: ambulance? a: yes - i called them on my mobile, then i ran to help. b: the bus? a: about forty people altogether. b: injured?

zharkovaaa1133 zharkovaaa1133    3   13.08.2019 20:40    6

inara12345 inara12345  02.08.2020 15:10
1) А: Hi, Doug. Sorry I can't see you tonight!
B: What happened? I was really worried about you!
2) A: I just saw a bus crash into a telephone pole.
B: Have you called an ambulance?
A: Yes, I called them on my mobile, then I ran to help.
B: How many people are there in the bus?
A: About forty people altogether.
B: Is anybody injured? Yes, some of them are.
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