домашку не успела сделать! решите кто-нибудь() Test! Reading &
Writing Part 5
Read the letter. Write some words to complete the
sentences about the letter. You can use 1, 2, 3 or 4 words.

Hello, my name's Jack. Last June, I went camping for
the first time with Grandpa Peter and with my two
cousins who are two years older than I am. It was
exciting because we had to put up our tent at night.
We couldn't see very much because it was so dark.
didn't know where we were! When I woke up early
the next morning, there were so many sounds outside I couldn't believe it! I lay
in the tent and listened to the birds that sang all kinds of different songs. I could
also hear some water outside, but it sounded louder than a river. I opened the
tent quietly because I didn't want to wake my grandfather and cousins. I didn't
have any shoes on and the grass under my feet was wet but I didn't mind. This
is the most beautiful place that I've ever seen, I thought.
The sound of the water came from a lovely waterfall that was behind some
trees - just a little way from the tent. I wish I had a CD now of the music that
it made there. I would like to hear it every morning when I wake up!
Jack and three other people in his family ... went camping... last June.
Jack is two years younger than his cousins

1 On the first night, Jack could not ...
because it was very dark.
2 When Jack woke up, there were lots of
outside the tent.

3 He listened to the birds and could hear
outside too.

4 Jack didn't want to wake the other three up, so he

5 Jack enjoyed walking on the
with no shoes on!

6 Jack found a
behind the trees.

7 Jack wishes he had a CD of
that he heard on his camping

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