должны использовать правила последовательности времен. (Объясните какое время из какого образуется )

1. He said that he still (to be) fond of collecting stamps and coins.

2. She said that her parents (to divorce) two years ago already! – Oh, how awful! I can’t believe it’s true!

3. I met him at the disco yesterday and he told me that I (to dance) very well and I answered that it (to be) no wonder because dancing (to be) my hobby for many years!

4. She said her mother’s hobby (to be) ballet and she (to dance) pretty well in her youth. Can you imagine? – No, hardly.

5. My great-grandparents (to be) engaged for a whole year before they (to get) married. – I believe it’s impossible nowadays.

минам2003 минам2003    1   24.03.2020 03:27    6

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