Доклад по на тему "шоколад" ну что-то типо чем он полезен, чем не полезен, почему я его люблю надо!

nikysa1 nikysa1    3   27.06.2019 14:20    0

rrrrrrrrtttttttttyyy rrrrrrrrtttttttttyyy  21.07.2020 23:48
1 часть -Chocolate
"The fact that you love, eat a little."
Improvement of health, perceived by people in the use of chocolate and sweets, leads to the fact that many eating sweets when they feel a decrease in vitality. However, the problem is that relying on a means of sweetness as practically instantaneously increases blood sugar levels can easily be made a permanent part of their diet. Basically candies are a source of empty calories and reduce appetite required to obtain useful products.
Of course, chocolate brings some advantage, but it contains a large amount of fat, and its use in excessive quantities can lead to an increase in weight. This does not mean that sweets are harmful to health. They simply need to eat as a delicacy, moderately and not to replace them other, more useful products. It is believed that the chocolate promotes endorphin and serotonin levels in the brain, which leads to an effect of elation.
The composition of chocolate includes stimulants such as caffeine and theobromine (this is an isolated and studied 125 years ago, Russian chemist AA Resurrection, alkaloids, and in small doses, he, like caffeine, a stimulant effect on the cardiovascular and nervous system . In chocolate usually contains about 0.4 percent of theobromine - dose completely safe, but gives the chocolate ability to relieve fatigue, vigor return), reinforcing the feeling of anxiety. Some people find soothing eating chocolate, so chocolate is associated with childhood they comfort or reward. On the influence of chocolate on the heart.
What are the ingredients of chocolate? First, caffeine, which promotes increased heart rate (tachycardia) and a slight increase in blood pressure, so people who have had a heart attack, it is recommended to reduce the consumption of chocolate (125-gram bar of chocolate contains more caffeine than a cup of instant coffee). Secondly, sugar, though it has repeatedly undertaken study of the relationship between high sugar consumption and an increased risk of developing heart disease, scientific evidence they have not received. And finally, thirdly, the chocolate contains minerals such as iron, magnesium and potassium: Iron deficiency can cause symptoms such as shortness of heartbeat and it (iron) is necessary for synthesis of hemoglobin; magnesium - plays a significant role in the transmission of nerve impulses and is important for the smooth operation of the heart muscle; taken together with potassium sodium responsible for water and electrolyte balance in cells and tissues, which affects blood pressure and is important for maintaining normal heart rate.
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