Доклад на тему "кукольный театр" (без перевода)

SashaRary SashaRary    1   14.01.2022 22:52    9

bastovayasofia bastovayasofia  14.01.2022 23:00

Puppet theater is one of the varieties of puppet art, which includes cartoon and non-cartoon animated film art, pop puppet art and art puppet television programs. The art of puppeteers is very old - different countries arose their own, which later became traditional, types of puppets and types of performances. There is evidence of the existence of ritual mysteries in Egypt, during which women wore the doll of Osiris. In ancient Greece, the puppet theater existed in the Hellenistic era. The origins of the puppet theater are in pagan rituals, games with materialized gods. The mention of playing dolls is found in Herodotus, Xenophon, Aristotle, Horace, Marcus Aurelius, Apuleius [1]. However, puppet shows, relatively speaking, of the variety type and the art of puppet theater came to Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome with wandering groups of puppeteers from Ancient India (land and sea routes through Ancient Iran) and Ancient China. (O. Tsekhnovitser, I. Eremin. Petrushka Theater. - Moscow-Leningrad.: Gosizdat, 1927)

Folk puppet theaters of Ancient Rome are related to the ancient Roman comedy atellana with the comic hero-jester Mack, the prototype of the future Pulcinella.

Types of puppet theaters Edit

The variety of forms of performance in the puppet theater is determined by the variety of types of puppets and their control systems. There are puppet dolls, cane, glove, tablet. Dolls can range in size from a few centimeters to 2-3 meters.

The difference in the forms of representations is determined, most often, by the national traditions of the country; tasks that are set for the actors by the director of the performance, as well as the relationship of puppets and actors with the artistic design of the performance.

The art of puppet theater is characterized by: the ability to reflect the bright traits of a person's character, the persuasiveness of allegory and figurative common noun. This determines the inclusion in the repertoire of puppet theaters of satirical, and in a number of countries in Southeast Asia - heroic-pathetic performances.[1]

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