Добрый день с домашнем заданием. Fill in the prepositions: to, into, in, for, by, at, from.
1)...law, it's a crime to download a film 2)... the Internet without paying 3)... it. Today, more and people around the world have access 4)... high-speed Internet connections and use them to download illegal files quickly and easily. In tne UK alone, illegal downloading costs the film industry around $170 million a year, and the music industry up to $500 million!This puts thousands of jobs 5)... risk and makes it more difficult for people to have careers as filmmakers or musicians. Up until recently, there were very few laws 6)... place to deal with this problem, but today illegal downloaders in many countries can get heavy fines. So next time your friend sends you a link for a pirated film, take 7)... account the consequences of illegal downloading. Hopefully, you'll choose to go to your local cinema instead!

hotrikplayp03euu hotrikplayp03euu    1   14.01.2022 18:58    0

neoguy228 neoguy228  14.01.2022 19:00
by lawfrom for toatininto
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