Добрый день. 1)вставьте some,any,no,something,anything,nothing,everything,somebody,anybody,nobody,или everybody. there is in the corridore. my grandmother does not like . the question is so difficult that answer it. 2)раскройте скобки,употребляя глаголы в present,past или future simple. he (not to like) to get up early. where you (to go) yesterday? next winter my aunt (to visit) poland. 3)раскройте скобки,употребляя глаголы в past,present или future simple. my father(to play football) well when he was a pupil. i (to make) a cake naxt sunday. my friend usually (to go) to a theatre once a month. 4)раскройте скобки,употребляя глаголы в present perfect или past simple. they (to buy) a house seven months ago. i never (to be) to london. 5)напишите предложение в вопросительной и отрицательной форме. he does not like fruit at all. 6)напишите предложение в косвенной речи. sveta said to me: "please,come to me at 5". 7)раскройте скобки. when the weather(to) fine,we (to go) to the country.

ledylog ledylog    3   01.07.2019 13:40    3

помошник12345678910 помошник12345678910  24.07.2020 22:21


a) no

b) any

c) nobody


a) Present Simple (нет указаний на или будущее время - настоящее)

He doesn't like to get up early.

b) Past Simple (yesterday)

Where did you go yesterday?

c) Future Simple (next winter)

Next winter my aunt will visit Poland.


a) Past Simple (when he was a pupil - стоит в Past Simple)

My father played football well when he was a pupil. 

b) Future Simple (next Sunday)

I will make a cake next Sunday.

c) Present Simple (usually)

My friend usually goes to a theatre once a month.


a) They bought a house seven months ago ( Past Simple - ago)

b) I have never been to London (Present Perfect - never)


Does he like fruit? - общий вопрос

What doesn't he like at all? - специальный вопрос с What

He doesn't like any fruit at all. - отрицательная форма


Sveta suggested me to come to her at 5.


When the weather will be fine, we will go to the country.

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