1. Выбери правильный вариант:

1. Yesterday morning they … at 7 o’clock.

a) are getting up b) got up c) get up

2. She … books every evening.

a) reads b) read c) is reading

3. They … an exercise now.

a) wrote b) write c) are writing

4. The girl …with her friends now.

a) is skipping b) skip c) skipped

5. We … every day.

a) watched TV b) watch TV c) are watching

6.Tomorrow Kitty and her friends … to the cinema.

a) will go b) went c) are going

7.Mary’s dress is … than Nancy’s one.

а) long b) longer c)the longest

8. The Everest is …mountain in the world.

a) high b) higher c) the highest

9. The hare is … than the fox.

a) small b) smaller c) the smallest

10. The dog is a … animal.

а) clever b) cleverer c) the cleverest

11. I think that the elephant is … animal.

a) big b) bigger c) the biggest

2. Составь предложения, используя there is, there are, there was, there were

1 … a toy on the table now.

2 … two foxes yesterday.

3 … one cat in the box yesterday.

4 … three cats now.

5 … two bears at the zoo last year.

3.Напиши глаголы в Pust Simple :

be-… come-… play-… have-… call-…

ask-… draw-… watch-… work-… make-…

4.Образуй сравнительную и превосходную степени прилагательных.

Small, funny, big, nice, happy, good, fat, tall

5. Прочитай письмо и напиши ответ (по образцу).

Dear friend,

My name is Wendy. I live in London, England. I am twelve years old. My birthday is on the 12th of May. I live with my mum and dad. I haven't got any sisters or brothers. I go to Hillside School. My school is great but it isn’t very big. I’m in class 4a. There are twenty pupils in my class. I like my classmates. They are very friendly. Have you got any friends in your class? My favourite subjects are English and Music. I don’t like Maths because I’m not very good at it. What’s your favourite subject? I like reading books in my free time. I can sing and dance quite well. What about you? I hope to hear from you soon.




It was great to get your letter.

My name

I live in

I am

I live with

I friends in my class.

My favourite school subject

In my free time

I can


элина20072 элина20072    1   13.05.2020 19:51    1

Ququki Ququki  14.10.2020 17:34
1) c
3) c
7) b
9) b
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