Do you think regulations are important in a job? Why, or why not?

Sofia1111111111811 Sofia1111111111811    2   19.03.2021 13:08    0

annavelikks03 annavelikks03  19.03.2021 13:10

rules at work are important because then there would be no order at work, people would allow themselves to do what they want and how they want. But the rules must not go beyond, violate human rights


правила на роботі є важливими тому що тоді б на роботі не було би ніякого порядку, люди дозволяли би собі робити що хочуть і як хочуть. Але правила не мають виходити за рамки, нарушати права людини

Polina19790 Polina19790  19.03.2021 13:10


yes, because the rules within the company also set limits for the employees, what employees are supposed to do and what not. So, it is important for all to follow rules and regulations as it will help you to know your limits for working and non-working. it also protects the company from lawsuits and makes a stable office environment where people feel safe to come to work.

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