Do you know that the Amazon rainforest is very big? It’s about five and a half million square kilometres. You will find the rainforest mostly in Brazil and in other South American countries.
It is very unusual. It’s very dark in it. If it stars raining there, you will have about 10 minutes to find your umbrella. There are so many trees that it can take 10 minutes for the rain to reach the ground.
10% of the world’s known species live in the Amazon rainforest. 20 % of all the birds in world live there. It is home to about 40, 000 plant species and 2.5 million different insect species. The animal types are different: from big to small, from cute to strange looking, from quiet to noisy. There are a number of dangerous species loving in the Amazon rainforest, for example the anaconda.
What will happen if all those animals, birds, fish, and plants lose their home, their natural habitat? Some animals will move to other places, but most of them will die out. Can it really happen? Yes, and it’s happening now. The rainforest is very old and big, but it is getting smaller every day. The problem is that people hunt animals, they cut down trees to make way for farm land. So many species of plants and animals have already become extinct. About 35 species of animals in the Amazon rainforest become extinct every day. Among the animals that are endangered now are the jaguar, gorilla and some others.
There is another problem, too. Trees and plants in the Amazon rainforest give us a lot of oxygen. If we cut them down, we lose this oxygen, and it can lead to temperature rise.
A number of ecological organizations are trying to save the Amazon rainforest. So if you want to save the rainforest on the Earth, do something! The rainforest will disappear at the end of the 21st century if you don’t save it. Every little can help.
1. It often rains in the Amazon rainforest.
a) True b) False c) Not stated
2. You can find all kinds of flora and fauna in the Amazon rainforest.
a) True b) False c) Not stated

3. All the animals in the Amazon rainforest look really strange.
a) True b) False c) Not stated
4. The Amazon rainforest appeared about 55 million years ago.
a) True b) False c) Not stated
5. Very many species of animals have become endangered there.
a) True b) False c) Not stated
6. People are destroying the rainforest because they are cutting down lots of trees and hunting animals.
a) True b) False c) Not stated
In the middle of the forest we could see a small lake trees.
between b) in c) among
Children! Behave while I am away!
a) good b) yourselves c) yourself
3. We have time left before the lesson begins. Hurry up!
a) few b) little c) a little
4. I am responsible planting trees in the schoolyard.
a) after b) about c) for
5. I skating when I was seven years old.
a) took up b) put off c) took in
6. Things that we throw away are .
a) waste b)extinct c) endangered
7. Some endangered animals can from our planet if we don’t protect them.
a) appear b) appearance c) disappear
8. Air pollution can the ecology of our planet.
a) damage b) protect c) save
Задание 3. Грамматика.
Прочитайте приведенные ниже предложения. Преобразуйте слова в скобках так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию предложений.
How long it usually (take) to get from Moscow to Vladivostok by train?
Mrs Robinson (be) a member of Greenpeace for ten years. She saves endangered animals.
If people (not, pour) dirty water into rivers and oceans, we will live in a better world.
You look tired. How long you (work) in the garden?
Alice (know) me since I was 15, but as a person, not as a writer.
Dinosaurs(become) extinct 65 million years ago.
If you want to have a pet, the first thing you should do (be) to think about how you will feed it.

tenoruk77 tenoruk77    3   05.05.2020 18:56    157

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