Do you believe in the existence of ideal families? what is your idea of an idel family?

romak3104Ромчук romak3104Ромчук    2   05.08.2019 16:20    2

20Bella04 20Bella04  03.10.2020 23:39

 I am in my life never met a perfect family since childhood with my parents. They then fought, then we drank together. Then, when I grew up, I began to observe the relationship between the families. I never met a family full of love and harmony. Rather moments of love and harmony are all even first-class fighters, but always harmonious relations, has not met even once. They do not exist? It's battle of the sexes? There are a pair of pretenders, playing happy family, but in fact it is not. And when I see that they are happy, I know that pretend, or just the time they have such a short. Have you met a harmonious couple? I'm not talking about those that met yesterday, but about the people who live together, not the first day, not the first year. What do you think?         
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