Do they drive. Jenny works at a hotel.
do you swim?
we don't like the movie.
where do you live?
they don' t drink tea
they start class at 8:00
Does he eat breakfast?
i don't run fast
he has a car
Do you enjoy sports?
напишите настаяшюю на очень надо тест был

KristinaZenchenko KristinaZenchenko    2   21.12.2020 12:07    1

dudulya1 dudulya1  20.01.2021 12:08
Did they drive?Jenny worked at a hotel.Did you swim?We didn't like the movie.Where did you live?They didn't drink tea.They started class at 8:00.Did he eat breakfast?I didn't run fast.He had a car.Did you enjoy sports?

время не уточнялось. Взяла Past Simple

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