До ть ❤️
Fill in the prepositions if necessary.
1. ... a command economy that always relies … central planning, the economic role of the government is … prime importance.

2. ... a free-market economy, economic decisions are made by companies and individuals and all the resources are allocated entirely through markets.
3. Economic statistics is the statistics about levels ... production and consumption ... an economy, exports and imports, inflation and other information. It is usually collected ... government.

4. The council of the city made a decision last year to allocate more money
... the construction ... the bridge ... the railway station.
5. ... such high prices ... meat the government cannot hope to keep its consumption … a sufficient level.
6. When people are poor, social services are ... higher demand.
7. The statistics of the European Union are collected ...the union level and ...
national levels of member countries.
8. The demand ... food has been going down ... Western Europe ... several
9. Some direct methods ... price regulation are sometimes used ...
governments, but they usually rely ... indirect regulation.
10. Prices ... dairy products have been an example ... government regulation
... prices ... the USA ... a long time.​

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