до пятницы
1. do you play tennis? – About once a week.
A. How often C. How many
B. How long D. How much
2. Bob has never seen her before, ?
A. hasn’t Bob C. did he
B. didn’t, Bob D. has he
3. John had to go to college, ?
A. did he C. hadn’t he
B. had he D. didn’t he
4. They expected him at 7 o’clock.
A. coming C. came
B. come D. to come
5. His money in his pocket.
A. is C. have been
B. are D. Were
6. We all have own ideas about how to live lives.
A. ours, ours C. our, ours
B. our, our D. ours, our
7. has broken my favourite vase.
A. Nothing C. Anybody
B. Somebody D. Everybody
8. The skater was congratulated because he was one.
A. better C. the best
B. bad D. the worst
9. I’m not in politics.
A. interesting C. to interest
B. an interest D. interested
10.We went to South of Russia last year.
A. the, the C. the, -
B. a, the D. - , -
11. I’m going on holiday next week. I’m flying Monday morning.
A. on, in C. at, on
B. in, at D. –, on
12. It usually me fifteen minutes to get there.
A. takes C. give
B. need D. took
13. She the film on TV before she read the book.
A. saw C. has seen
B. sees D. had seen
14. I’m sorry I see you yesterday.
A. can’t C. mustn’t
B. couldn’t D. am not able to
15. Children by special instructors how to swim.
A. have taught C. are taught
B. had taught D. teach
16. Подберите синоним к слову “boring”.
A. interesting C. dull
B. serious D. ugly
17. Найдите антоним к слову “cheap’’.
A. expensive C. ordinary
B. difficult D. terrible
18. If my grandfather were younger, he so many things.
A. would not forget B. did not forget
19. If the money, he would buy a fast car.
A. he have B. he had
20. If she had an umbrella, she wet.
A. would not get B. did not get
21. If we a car, we would get there in 30 minutes.
A. would have B. had
22. Jane likes living in a city. happy if she lived in the country.
A. She would not be B. She will not be
23. If I more money, I would buy a new car.
A. had B. would have
24. If he changed jobs, he much happier.
A. will be B. would be
25. If I wanted to learn Italian, to Italy.
A. I will go B.I would go
26. If it was not raining, we to the beach.
A. would go B. went
27. I have not told Ann what happened. She would be angry if .
A. she knew B. she would knew

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