Для первого класса портфолио по языку на тему мой дом

lizochkanaumov1 lizochkanaumov1    2   11.07.2019 17:00    0

ilugladyshev ilugladyshev  17.09.2020 22:52
I would like to tell you about the house  where I like together with my family. I should say that the apartment is guite spacious but at the same time casy. The flat has got three rooms, a kitchen and a batroom. The living--room is the largest one with a sofa, wall units and two big comfatable armchairs in it. My parent's bedroom is much smaller. I must say I'm lucky to have my oun room. There is also a bed, a wardrohe and a booksase where I keep my textbooks and ather impartant stuff. In conclusion I want to say than I adore my apartment.
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