Directions: fill in the blank with the passive voice of the verb in ( ). 1. traffic regulations by drivers as well as pedestrians. (must/obey) 2. a driver by the police. (might/stop) 3. a driver to get out of the car. (could/ask) 4. a driver to the police station. (might/take) 5. drunk drivers a sobriety test. (may/give) 6. drivers of their rights. (must/inform) 7. a traffic accident to the police. (must report)

anonimus8310 anonimus8310    2   27.08.2019 16:30    1

11516118 11516118  20.08.2020 16:49
1. must be obeyad
2. might be stopped
3. could be asked
4. might be taken
5. may be given
6. must be informed
7. must be reported