the new York times reported that
for example if you have no interest in
how many people have been arrested
we are not very good friends with this
I think it's the best thing that can
but I don't know if it's a good idea to be a good
diatinery - дневник
scissors - ножницы
Sellstope - скотч
glu - клей
tick - отметка (n.), ставить метку,галочку(v.)
colinear -коллинеарный
the new York times reported that
for example if you have no interest in
how many people have been arrested
we are not very good friends with this
I think it's the best thing that can
but I don't know if it's a good idea to be a good
diatinery - дневник
scissors - ножницы
Sellstope - скотч
glu - клей
tick - отметка (n.), ставить метку,галочку(v.)
colinear -коллинеарный