Диалогическая речь 5. Заполните пропуски наиболее подходящими фразами. Варианты ответов
внесите в лист ответов.
a) A window seat, please.
b) Here they are.
c) Just one.
d) Yes, I did.
e) Good, it doesn't weigh very much
f) Thank you.
Airline steward : Good morning, can I have your passport and booking information, please?
Customer: (12)
Airline steward: Would you like a window or an aisle seat?
Customer: (13)
Airline steward : Did you pack your bag yourself?
Customer: (14)
Airline steward: Put your bag on the scales, please.
Customer: (15)
Airline steward: How many pieces of hand luggage have you got?
Customer: (16)
Airline steward: Here are your passport and boarding pass. You need to go to gate 3 at 14.20.
Customer: (17)

varvarataraskina varvarataraskina    1   01.03.2021 07:06    0

oksana78shilki oksana78shilki  31.03.2021 07:12

Airline steward : Good morning, can I have your passport and booking information, please?

Customer: (12) - b) Here they are.

Airline steward: Would you like a window or an aisle seat?

Customer: (13) - a) A window seat, please.

Airline steward : Did you pack your bag yourself?

Customer: (14) - d) Yes, I did.

Airline steward: Put your bag on the scales, please.

Customer: (15) -e) Good, it doesn't weigh very much

Airline steward: How many pieces of hand luggage have you got?

Customer: (16) - c) Just one.

Airline steward: Here are your passport and boarding pass. You need to go to gate 3 at 14.20.

Customer: (17) -f) Thank you.

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