Desk. 12. Don't go ... that room. 13. Jane, take the book... the shelf and come up ... me. 14. Where is my poon? It's... your cup. 15 breakfast we eat cheese, bread and butter and drink tea. 16. Tell me ... the engineers ...
your office.
8) Fill in the omissions indefinite and definite article:
1. Our friends are ... engineers. They are ... good engineers. They work at office. ... office is in room 17. It is ...
very large room. 2. Jane, where is ... red pencil? It is in ... bag. 3, After breakfast we take ... children to ... nurse-
ry school. 4. Whose daughter is Jane? She is Mike's daughter. Is she... good girl? Yes, she is. She is... pupil. 5.
Do you work at... factory or at... office? I work at... factory, factory is very large. 6. In... morning my wife
puts... plates, ... knives and... fork on... table. 7. Nick goes to ... nursery school. He is ... small boy. 8. It is... car
is ... large green car. 9. At breakfast I eat... cheese, ... ham and ... bread and butter. I don't drink... coffee, I
drink... tea. 10. It is... two-room flat. These are rooms. That is... kitchen kitchen is small rooms are large.
11. What is it? It is... Watch. It is ... good watch.

Floren255 Floren255    3   30.10.2020 14:31    0

Polona1337 Polona1337  30.10.2020 14:40

что это за книга и что вписывать

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