Decide which word or words are correct.

► I think that’s an awful thing to say.

1 Judy goes to ... on the bus.

2 I don’t know what to do. It’s ... problem.

3 ... is my favourite sport.

4 ... starts at nine o’clock.

5 We had ... time at the disco yesterday.

6 Nigel opened a drawer and took out ... .

7 Did you learn to play ... ?

8 We can finish the rest of the bread for ... .

9 While I was in hospital, they gave me ... .

10 I might listen to ... .

11 We need to protect ... from pollution.

12 Why do they always play ... music?

a) a awful b) an awful c) awful

1. a) work b) a work c) the work

2. a) quite difficult b) a quite difficult c) quite a difficult

3. a) Golf b) A golf c) The golf

4. a) School b) A school c) The school.

5. a) really nice b) a really nice c) really a nice

6. a) photos b) a photos c) some photos

7. a) violin b) a violin c) the violin

8. a) breakfast b) a breakfast c) the breakfast

9. a) X-ray b) a X-ray c) an X-ray

10.a) radio b) radios c) the radio

11.a) environment b) some environment c)the environment

12.a) so terrible b) such terrible c) such a terrible

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