Dear helen, i (to write) to you from cambridge. we (to arrive) to london on tuesday and (to be) in england for five days already. our hotel (to situate) not far from the city centre. i (to impress) by the beauty of cambridge. it (to know) as one of the oldest cities of the country. its university (to found) in the 13th century. i (already to take) a lot of wonderful pictures and (to buy) some souvenirs for you. tomorrow we (to go) to manchester. i hope our journey (not to be) very tiring. the weather here (to be) very changeable. it (to rain) 33 for some hours in the morning but now the sun (to shine) and the sky (to be) cloudless. unfortunately, i can’t describe to you everything i (already to see), but i think we (to have) enough time to discuss my journey when i (to return) home. see you next week! love, alice

eminka1 eminka1    3   23.07.2019 04:50    0

НастяМалюга1 НастяМалюга1  23.09.2020 21:29
Am writting
have arrived
have been
is situating
am inpressing
is knowing
was founded
have already taken
will go
won't be 
is beeing
is shinning
have already seen
will have
will return
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