Grammar Test, 7th grade, May, 2020

I. Choose the correct form.
1.America … by Columbus in 1498.
a). is discovered b). was discovered b). discovered
2.The houses … of stone and wood.
a) were built b)are built c). are being built
3.The article … already … .
a). had … been typed b). will be typed c). has … been typed
4.These messages… tomorrow.
a)can send b) could send c). can be sent
This excersises … till 3 p.m.
a) must be done b) must be doing c) must have done
6.Moscow University … in 1755.
a). is founded b). was founded c).will be founded
7.Three foreign languages … in our school next year.
a). is taught b). was taught c). will be taught
8.The doctor … an hour ago.
a). send for b). is sent for c).was sent for
9.English … in many countries of the world.
a). is being spoken b). spoke c). is spoken
10.Most of the Earth’s surface(поверхность Земли) … by water.
a). is covered b) coveres c) was covered

II. Open the brackets and put the verb into the correct form
1.If Mary (come) to me today, we (cook) a cake.
2. If Jenny (not come) to me today, I (read) a book.
3.If Alan’s parents (have) their holidays in winter, they (go) to the Alps.
4. If it (be) more than 0 degrees outside, the snow (melt)
5. If he (live) in Great Britain, he (know) English well.
6. If Jake (have) more time, he (learn) to play the guitar.
III. Choose the correct word.
1. - Today there will be a in the neighbour street. Let's go and see!
a) market b) fair c) building
2. All the of our Zoo look healthy and strong.
a) citizens b) members c) inhabitants
3. I had to be at the meeting in time. , I didn't hear the alarm bell, so I overslept and was late!
a) Unfortunately b) Occasionally c) Suddenly
4. - Who is that woman? She looks so elegant. - Oh, she is a very person, she is a countess (графиня).
a) knewable b) kind c) noble
5. - Why do you have so face? What's up?
a) sour b) sweet c) bitter

dilyahashimova dilyahashimova    3   20.05.2020 09:58    11

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