Дайте пояснения, используя предлагаемую ситуацию и ключевые слова. 1� You want to go out and you ask your friend, who has just come in about the weather� (It’s very cold, windy, slippery, hot, nasty weather�) 2� Your friend comes in wet to the skin� He has come to return your book� Ask him (her) to stay and offer some clothes to change� (The rain began all of a sudden� It is raining cats and dogs�) 3� Your friend is fond of autumn while you like spring� Try to convince him (her) that spring is the best season� (The season I like best is…; There is nothing like…; The time when new life awakes�)" 4� It is thawing� Walking in the park you notice a boy hurrying across the frozen river� It is dangerous to walk on the ice in such weather, so you shout him to stop� Suddenly the ice breaks and the boy gets into the water� You rescue the poor chap and bring him to your home� You talk with him about the episode� (It is thawing, to melt, how did you manage to…)

Katerina9322 Katerina9322    2   25.03.2021 23:25    2

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